- Print Length: 87 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
Rescuing a Viking pirate from the ocean after his ship wrecked on the shores of Pictland was bound to bring Ilisa trouble. After all, she knew well of the savagery of the Vikings—she had experienced it first-hand. But her heart would not allow her to abandon someone in need. Unfortunately, nursing him back to health rouses a part of her she didn’t know existed and soon she’s the one in need.
Alrek’s well aware of his own need when he awakens in this beautiful Pict’s home. With his plans to venture to new lands on hold, he resolves to thank Ilisa for her help in any way he can—but not in the way he longs to the most. He must prove not all Vikings are the same. But his own savage past threatens to destroy any progress he makes and her people soon make it clear he will never be accepted.
Can they bridge the gap between two cultures or will their differences—and the dangers they bring—forever keep them apart?
Content warning: Contains some adult scenes.
A novella length story: approximately 30000 words.
Alrek - He caught my attention in the beginning of the book, but quickly lost his hold on me. His character was two dimensional, and didn't really grab at my heart. I could see the potential there, but the author needs to improve on character development. Maybe, show more, and tell less? Let the character prove his worth through actions instead of dialogue. It is a short book, but seems to be that he had very little on his mind, only the desire for sex.
He went to rescue his damsel in distress without the ax, sword and dagger that typical Vikings would not have left a doorway without carrying, especially if they felt in danger.
He went to rescue his damsel in distress without the ax, sword and dagger that typical Vikings would not have left a doorway without carrying, especially if they felt in danger.
Ilisa - In the beginning I thought she would have a spirited personality, but she too was a bit flat. Typical character, nothing substantial about her.
Plot - The plot had many holes in it. It felt forced almost, instead of unfolding naturally. I could easily predict what would happen next, and it felt like the author was following a typical outline to write this novel. I would like to have seen more action in it, and had the characters lives a little more tangled in other things, instead of just each other. This would make them more believable and real.
There were times that the characters spoke in the correct era that the book was intended, but other times they spoke with modern word usage. Very little romance, and not memorable. I probably won't read another book by this author. The effort was there, but it fell short to impress me. Full of cliches.
The ending - okay. He kissed her nose. LOL
The ending - okay. He kissed her nose. LOL
Historical - no.
Romantic - no.
Romantic - no.
Erotica - possibly.
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